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Getting Started
Key Contacts
Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
SIG Release
SIG Security 🛡️
Security Best Practices
SIG Security Minutes
2023 SIG Security Minutes
2024 SIG Security Minutes
2024-10-22 Meeting notes
2024-10-01 Meeting notes
2024-09-24 Meeting notes
2024-09-17 Meeting notes
2024-09-10 Meeting notes
2024-09-03 Meeting notes
2024-08-27 Meeting notes [lifecycle of identity]
2024-08-20 Meeting notes (Hydration and its impact)
2024-08-13 Meeting notes (SPIRE Demo 3: Auto Workload Reg)
2024-08-06 Meeting notes
2024-07-30 Meeting notes
2024-07-23 Meeting notes (SPIFFE demo 2)
2024-07-16 Meeting notes
2024-07-09 Meeting notes
2024-06-25 Meeting notes
2024-06-18 Meeting notes
2024-06-11 Meeting notes
2024-06-04 Meeting notes
2024-05-28 Meeting notes
2024-05-21 Meeting notes
2024-05-14 Meeting notes (Nephio-SPIRE demo)
2024-11-19 Meeting notes
2024-05-07 Meeting notes
2024-04-16 Meeting notes
2024-04-09 Meeting notes
2024-04-02 Meeting notes [CANCELLED]
2024-03-26 Meeting notes
2024-03-19 Meeting notes
2024-03-12 Meeting notes
2024-03-05 Meeting notes
2024-02-27 Meeting notes
2024-02-20 Meeting notes
2024-04-23 Meeting notes
2024-02-13 Meeting notes
2024-02-06 Meeting notes