2025-02-05 SIG-2 Agenda & Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Liam Fallon
@James McDermott
@Rahul Jadhav
@Eddy Fung
@Wim Henderickx
@Fiachra Corcoran
Community Attendees:
@Vishwanath Jayaraman
@Daniel Kostecki (Red Hat)
@Girish Kumar
@Francesco Davide Lapenta
@balaji varadaraju
@Istvan Kispal
@Prashant Mishra
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Status check on items for Nephio R4
O-RAN Contribution
SPIFFE: Workload Identity, see 2025-02-04 Security Minutes
Flux Controller
Platform improvements/Code Freeze
UI Improvements
Overall opinion on the status
Platform Slot
Review of PRs on Porch
O-RAN Contribution
O2 IMS Operator O2-IMS Operator by dkosteck · Pull Request #844 · nephio-project/nephio
Pushed as a draft PR into Nephio, the basis of the operator is there
Its still in draft phase because @Daniel Kostecki (Red Hat) @Vishwanath Jayaraman and @Sagar Arora are discussing some items
There are some tests there, the PR for tests are there and is open for comments
We hope to merge it by Monday/Tuesday of next week
PR has been raised today
@Fiachra Corcoran co authoring with @Dejan Kitic
It should be easy enough to integrate
An additional cluster is required for an end-to-end test so won’t be done for R4
Use the Operator SDK test support so that could be run as a Github action. We can address end to end tests post R4.
Workload Identity
Discussions going on with @Prashant Mishra
Documentation is work in progress bout will be ready
A bug is being fixed in the operator at the moment, this bug will be fixed and the linting errors will be fixed all in one go
The PR is planned to be updated by the end of the week
Centalized Flux Controller
Everything is complete except the documentation, will be ready for R4
@Fiachra Corcoran added a kpt function to generate kustomize configuration for a kpt package
For future work if we want to bring in Argo, here is a reference to an Argo plugin treactor-krm-functions/argo/kpt-render at main · treactor/treactor-krm-functions
There is a second potential work item to allow a choice of “gitops” technology when installing Nephio, this would be the goal we are trying to get to.
This might have overlap with SIG 1 WG5 on implementing some tracing/observability information into Nephio, especially from Porch
Platform Improvements/Code Freeze
We’ll freeze merging any non-critical PRs on Porch until after the R4 release
go version and test image was lifted from 1.22 to 1.23.5
UI Improvements
No outstanding PRs, All improvements will be in R4
Overall opinion on where we are for R4
O-RAN should be OK once final bugs are resolved (early next week)
SIG-Release: we need to do the release notes (Content is known now so the release notes can be written)
User docs, ensure that everything we have is covered
Package revision query bug:
The bug is reproducable
It requires a Porch server restart and a deletion of the resources
@Istvan Kispal has 2 PRs that makes the situation considerably better. It will not solve all the issues but will improve things. The PRs will be raised this week. We will try and get these PRs in for inclusion in R4
The Porch developers can reproduce this problem by using the instructions for “create cluster”
Platform Slot: