Chair and Vice-Chair roles

Chair and Vice-Chair roles

The Nephio community document defines the roles of SIG chairs and vice chairs.

Each SIG is required to elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair. The Chair and Vice-chair act as the de facto spokespeople for the SIG group. 

The Chair and Vice-Chair coordinate the activities of the SIG for the successful execution and release of Nephio software modules. The Chair is the default spokesperson for the SIG. If the Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair will lead the SIG activities.

The chair and vice chair share the role. Week to week, the coordination activities are:

  • Running and minuting the SIG-Automation meetings

    • Agenda Management: Ensuring that topical items and items requested by community members are scheduled in a fair an pragmatic manner. eg if a release is coming up, progress reports on important PRs may preempt technical presentations

    • Running the weekly meeting in a fair, punctual, and businesslike manner

    • Acting as a neutral chairperson when discussions are ongoing and ensuring all interested parties have an opportunity to have their say

    • Minuting the meeting and noting actions

    • Following up on actions from meetings

  • Monitoring the Nephio repos and ensuring that PRs progress through the review process

  • Ensuring dependencies are updated and security issues are resolved eg CVEs

Note the scope of the SIG chair role in Nephio is not as wide as in Kubernetes, see here.

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