

Election Details

Election mechanics are derived from the Technical Charter found in thehttps://lf-nephio.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bwBs. This page is designed to provide an overview. For additional details, please refer to the Technical Community Document.


Your eligibility to participate in elections is determined not by the organization you work for but rather by your contributions to the community.

Active Contributors are the cornerstone of the TSC. An Active Contributor is defined as any member of the Nephio community who has made twenty (20) or more measurable contributions as assessed by the TSC during the previous 12-month period, inclusive of code merged, code reviews performed, presentations, technical documentation of software functions, or wiki page edits. At the Steady-State, the qualification period will be from the point of the previous election. The Contribution could be both an internal and externally managed code repository required by Nephio.

TSC Eligibility

  • Any Active Contributor community member is eligible to run for TSC membership. The technical charter sets the number of TSC seats (currently 20 maximum).

  • Any Active Contributor community member is eligible to vote in a TSC Member election.

  • Eligibility is effective as of the date and time the nomination process starts.

  • Candidates must self-nominate.

  • Enforcement of organization TSC member limits.

    • The election will rank all standing candidates from 1 to N. Only one (1) person from any company, or a group of related companies can be elected as a TSC member at any given time.

    • If any organization entered more than the permitted limit of electable candidates, all excess candidates shall be removed from the results from the least ranked upwards until the organizational limit is reached.

    • Once this is done, the remaining 20 highest ranked candidates shall be elected to the TSC.

TSC Chair/Vice-Chair Eligibility

  • All TSC members are eligible to run for the roles of Chair or Vice-Chair.

  • There are no limits on the number of terms a TSC Chair and Vice-Chair may serve.

  • All TSC Members are eligible to vote in a TSC Chair and Vice-Chair election.

  • There are no limits to the number of terms an individual can serve.

SIG Chair/Vice-Chair Eligibility

  • Candidates for a SIG’s Chair and Vice-Chair must be Committers in that SIG.

  • Candidates must self-nominate

Election Mechanics

Elections for TSC, TSC Chair/Vice-Chair, and SIG Chair/Vice-Chair will essentially follow the same process: 1. Nomination Phase, 2. Verification Phase, and 3. Election Phase.

Nomination Phase (2 Weeks)


  • The election process is initiated by the Linux Foundation representative responsible for the community or a representative appointed by the TSC.

  • An official announcement is sent via email to the TSC mailing list, marking the start of the nomination period.


When you are self-nominating, you will need to provide the election administrator with:

  • Name

  • Photo (optional)

  • Organization

  • Sub-project(s) you are supporting

  • Short biography (optional)

  • Statement of intent explaining why the community should vote for you.

Addressing Insufficient Nominations

  • If a represented group does not have enough candidates to fill its allocated seats, the TSC will:

    • Reopen the nomination period.

    • Encourage additional nominations.

    • Consider revising seat allocations if necessary.

Verification Phase (1 Business Day)

  • After nominations close, the Linux Foundation Project Manager (or appointed representative) will verify candidate eligibility.

  • This process will be completed within one business day to ensure a prompt transition to the election phase.

Election Phase (1 Week)

Eligible voters will receive detailed instructions on how to vote via email at the start of the election phase.

  • Ranked-choice voting using OpaVote (or another method approved by the TSC).

Announcement of Results

  • Election results will be announced promptly after the election phase concludes.

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