2025-02-12 SIG-2 Agenda & Minutes
Community Attendees:
@Liam Fallon
@Vishwanath Jayaraman
@Catalin Stratulat
@Daniel Kostecki (Red Hat)
@James McDermott
Community Attendees:
@balaji varadaraju
@Girish Kumar
@Timo Perala
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
Status check on items for Nephio R4
SPIFFE: Workload Identity, see 2025-02-04 Security Minutes
Flux Controller
Platform improvements/Code Freeze
UI Improvements: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-pppg-cpfq-h7wr/dependabot?query=user:nephio-project
Overall opinion on the status
Spillover to R5
Generated Code
Location of API definitions
Release Criteria
Other things
kptdev maintenance PR https://github.com/kptdev/kpt/pull/4181
Platform Slot
Review of PRs on Porch
Now in review state
Most of the comments have been addressed
@Sagar Arora will make some final changes
It’s ready for review by anyone in the community at this point
Documentation: Similar to Free5GC, the docs PR will be uploaded in the next day or two
There will be a PR on test-infra with some testing for O2-IMS
One known issue is that getting the package revision is not always working but a PR is being prepared for this, until we get a fix from Porch we will add it as a known issue
FOCOM Operator https://github.com/nephio-project/nephio/pull/849
Generated code is coming from operator sdk and will be addressed post R4
Requires additional community reviews
Focom kpt pkg up for review - https://github.com/nephio-project/catalog/pull/93
Plan to automate the delivery of this from the operator CI/CD pipeline
Focom CRDs up for review - Add CRDs for ORAN Focom Operator Usecase by efiacor · Pull Request #67 · nephio-project/api
Again, future plan is to automate the delivery of these via the nephio repo CI
Integration work ongoing with @Sagar Arora @Sagar Arora to setup an e2e environment using both operators.
SPIFFE: Workload Identity
Controller code - Workload Identity reconciler integration using SPIFFE by PrimalPimmy · Pull Request #809 · nephio-project/nephio
Has 1 review. More required.
Kpt pkgs up for review - Add SPIRE/SPIFFE Packages for Workload Identity by PrimalPimmy · Pull Request #84 · nephio-project/catalog
Customized nephio controller config will need to be addressed
Verify the deployment (at least manually)
@Prashant Mishra will update the PR to address the comments on it
Centrailized FluxCD
Documentation remaining - Add usecase guide for Centralized FluxCD deployment by efiacor · Pull Request #203 · nephio-project/docs
Requires additional reviews from community
We’ll go with what we have now unless we get a fix for the for the package revision issue
UI Improvements
Kamil Madejek will try and fix the vulnerability for R4, if not we’ll document it.
Overall opinion on the status of R4
Looking pretty good
If we can get the PRs in by the end of the week, we are looking good
We should have everything in by Sunday night Pacific time and make the release on the 19th of February
All the items are addressed in Nephio issues.
The project has merged 2 PRs updating dependencies and fixing vulnerabilities