2024-01-23 Meeting notes
Jan 23, 2024
@Tom Kivlin
@Raj Panchapakesan
Shiv Bhagavatula
@Byung-Woo Jun
@Bryan O'Looney (Ericsson)
@Tom Kivlin
Manuela Scarella
@Timo Perala
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | Service Mesh Updates | Shiv |
5min | Secrets Mgmt updates | Prashant |
30min | Identity and Access Management proposal | Bryan O’Looney | --- Note from Byung on SIG-Security --- As Ciaran Johnston mentioned, the Ericsson team is preparing the Identity and Access Management proposal to SIG Security Next Tuesday. From the Ericsson,Bryan O’Looney will present the proposal, and Manuela Scarella, Ciaran Johnston and me (Byung-Woo Jun) will participate in the presentation to assist Bryan if any. --- |
time permitting | Workload Identity handling |
15min | Open floor | All |