Release 1 (R1) Contributor Awards

Release 1 (R1) Contributor Awards


Please edit this page and add the following information to nominate a community member for their contributions to R1. Please note that Google employees are precluded from nominations. Once the nomination period closes, voting will be conducted via OpaVote.


Email Address

Description of Contributions

Links (If Applicable)


Email Address

Description of Contributions

Links (If Applicable)

Balaji (Bala) Varadaraju (Red Hat)

Project manager, scrum overlord, planning and architecture in SIG#2 and SIG#3

Radoslaw (Rado) Chmiel (Samsung)

Set up and maintained our CD pipeline based on Prow and GitHub plus tooling for linting, versioning, and licensing of our dependencies

Victor Morales (Samsung)

Created the Ansible playbooks for the installation of Sandbox components used for the E2E testing framework. Provided valuable test-infra contribution through code reviews and bug fixes. He prototyped the integration with Cluster-API.

Wim Henderickx (Nokia)

He led the package specialization effort, developed different controllers, Kpt functions, and designed and led development of the function SDK. He also solved all networking issues between clusters using KRM approach. He is also very active in slack channels to answer questions. He played a central and active role in making the release possible.

Denys Aleksandrov (VMware)

Owned and delivered free5gc UPF controller, helped members from free5gc operator team to deliver SMF and AMF controllers, and played a key role during integration cycle via manually running e2e test with UERANSIM as frontend and generally acted as one of community experts of UERANSIM and free5gc in general

Istvan Kispal (Nokia)

Build a generic framework in specialisation to update kubeobjects while retaining comments.
Build an e2e arm function test framework for E2E specialisation tests. Delivered DNN function and framework to test it.

John Belamaric (google)

I know that google people cannot be nominated but I want to spell out Johns support. Without him R1 was not possible.

  • he successfully led package management and developed a set of key capabilities for nephio which we can use in different scenarios: PV/PVS

  • he coordinated all the integration test activities and led us to making a call

  • Played multi-purpose: reviewing pr, providing very good and constructive feedback

  • Helps other people and educate them + ensure work can be delegated and divided.

Sana Tariq (TELUS)

Supported Nephio Vision, driving service provider community with gathering requirements and architecture, representing Nephio project at LFN conferences, board meetings and across vendors R&Ds. Contributed with publishing blogs and Case studies to preserve Nephio vision and accelerate adoption! 

Anh Thu Vo (independent)

She owned and delivered the free5GC SMF controller and provided the test for validating scaling resources. She actively participated on the meetings, providing valuable feedback and helping community members to address main points.

Tal Liron (google)

Aakash Chandrasekran (VMWare)

Delivered NF deployment fn in pkg specialization for SMF/UPF/AMF with the complete test framework. Provided valuable feedback to the fn SDK and was an active contributor in the fn specialisation pkg WG.

Ganesh Chandrasekaran (Samsung)

Delivered NAD fn in pkg specialization with the associated test framework. Provided valuable feedback to the fn SDK and was an active contributor in the fn specialisation pkg WG.

Chandra Shekhar Barala (Samsung)

Acknowledging the gaps in the GUI skillset within the Nephio community, Chandra proactively stepped up to lead the GUI development during the final few months of R1. He invested significant time in improving his backstage skillset and worked collaboratively with Chris and John to deliver the PackageVariant and PackageVariantSet editors and viewers. 

Nomination Period:

July 6th, 2023 - July 24th, 2023 at 5pm PT

Voting Period:

July 25th, 2023 - August 1st, 2023 at 5pm PT

Announcement of Top Three Contributors:

August 2nd, 2023