Nephio R3 Developer Event Agenda

Nephio R3 Developer Event Agenda

Purpose of the meeting:

3rd Nephio developer/community summit to celebrate the second release, discuss upcoming third release goals, and next steps.

Participants: Everyone in the Telco and Enterprise industry is welcome to join the summit.

Location, registration, and additional information: 

May 2, 2024May 3, 2024 

150 W. San Carlos Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Meeting Type: In-person 

Please note time zone is Pacific Timezone (California)


Start time

End time

Speakers / Topic

Slides / Documents


Start time

End time

Speakers / Topic

Slides / Documents


8:00 AM PT

8:05 AM PT

LF (Jenn & Arpit)

Nephio Current State and next steps

8:05 AM PT

8:30 AM PT

Kandan & Sana

Sagar: Nephio R2 Demo


Invited speakers

8:30 AM PT

9:00 AM PT


  • Benefits of TOSCA in Nephio

  • Ability to rapidly fit into existing Service Provider infrastructure

  • Support connectivity between Nephio containerized applications with legacy applications (e.g. VM-based or physical infrastructure)

  • Advanced life cycle management (brownfield discovery)

 Benefits of TOSCA Modelling.pptx

Invited speakers

9:00 AM PT

9:30 AM PT

Federico Cicchello, TIM

Sylva + Nephio: a best fit!

  • A PoC how Sylva v1 fits into Nephio R2 framework as a complementary element

Start of a dialogue for collaboration between the two projects


Invited speakers

9:30 AM PT

10:00 AM PT


  • GenAI company

  • LLM for Nephio

  • Demo



10:00 AM PT

10:15 AM PT



Welcome to the Nephio project

10:15 AM PT

11:00 AM PT

Sana, Tal, Ciaran

  • Present all sub-teams (with their respective lead if present)

  • Architecture review (C4 Model)

  • Nephio Modelling overview 

  • Getting started on Nephio

Working Groups

Delivery Teams




Releases roadmap

11:00 AM PT

11:45 AM PT

Sana, Bala, Alexis

  • Release planning process

    • Rx process

  • Present tentative R3 scope overview (user stories)

  • Gather community feedback and discuss release cadence and expectations 

Rx Scope Process

Rx Scope Planning

Github Issue boards


CNF Cloud Native testing program 

11:45 AM PT

12:00 PM PT


  • Cloud native CNF requirements 

  • LFN Cloud Native testing initiative & session intro 

  • Connection to Nephio's success


Lunch (not provided)


Platform evolution

1:00 PM PT

2:00 PM PT

Liam / Tal

  • Open discussion on future of Porch

Slides + whiteboard



2:00 PM PT

2:30 PM PT


  • Network Function (helm support, SDK, operators, etc..)

  • Cloud Platform (infra and tooling)

  • What do we want from the Nephio SDK?


CI / CD / CT

2:30 PM PT

3:15 PM PT


  • Tests (unit, integration, e2e)

    • GitHub labels

    • GitHub actions vs Prow

  • Integration test frameworks

  • K8s native test framework

  • Discuss the integration with Production-Ready environments

    • Interconnect clusters

    • Infrastructure resources

  • Validate instructions in Documentation



3:15 PM PT

3:30 PM PT



Lesson learned on bare metal deployment

3:30:PM PT

4:00 PM PT

Sagar / Alexis

  • O-RAN integration lessons learned/challenges from release 2 and release 3 (Sagar) 

  • Real-world challenges and use cases (real clouds, bare-metal, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud)

Security in Nephio

4:00 PM PT

4:30 PM PT


  • Identity, multi-tenancy, access (with SIG#4)

  • Handling Secrets management

  • Security Best Practices

 Slide deck

TSC Birds of feather session

4:30 PM PT

5:00 PM PT




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