Learning with Nephio R1 - Episode 4 - Building a Demo Environment

Learning with Nephio R1 - Episode 4 - Building a Demo Environment

Author@John Belamaric

Prerequisites: None

Slides: 2023-07 Nephio R1 Concepts Series - Episode 4.pdf

Video: https://youtu.be/iU-2dXYYHu4

Building a Demo Environment

In this episode, we walk through the installation guide and describe the Nephio demo environment, and show how to set it up in GCE or on a pre-provisioned Ubuntu VM.

About the Nephio Community

Nephio is an open source project of the Linux Foundation. We do our best to be a friendly, welcoming community. We have several different "special interest groups" (SIGs) that meet regularly, as well as mailing lists and a Slack instance. Please join us!

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