Contributor License Agreement

Contributor License Agreement

General information:

The CLA used is a modified Apache 2.0 license; code that arrives to Nephio should be under Apache 2.0. There is an exception of ingests for preexisting, compatibly licensed code. Apache 2.0 should be used in Nephio as determined by the charter (Section 7a-d):

a. Collaborators acknowledge that the copyright in all new contributions will be retained by the copyright holder as independent works of authorship and that no contributor or copyright holder will be required to assign copyrights to the Project.

b. Except as described in Section 7.c., all contributions to the Project are subject to the following:

i. All new inbound code contributions to the Project must be made using the Apache License, Version 2.0, available at https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 (the “Project License”).

ii. All new inbound code contributions are subject to the Apache Contributor License Agreement as selected by the TSC through a TSC-approved contribution process that will bind the authorized contributor and, if not self-employed, their employer to the applicable license;

iii. All outbound code will be made available under the Project License. iv. Documentation will be received and made available by the Project under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). v. The Project may seek to integrate and contribute back to other open source projects (“Upstream Projects”). In such cases, the Project will conform to all license requirements of the Upstream Projects, including dependencies, leveraged by the Project. Upstream Project code contributions not stored within the Project’s main code repository will comply with the contribution process and license terms for the applicable Upstream Project.

c. The TSC may approve the use of an alternative license or licenses for inbound or outbound contributions on an exception basis. To request an exception, please describe the contribution, the alternative open source license(s), and the justification for using an alternative open source license for the Project. License exceptions must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire TSC.

d. Contributed files should contain license information, such as SPDX short form identifiers, indicating the open source license or licenses pertaining to the file.


Please review the attached Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) and Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). When there is consensus and acceptance to use the attached drafts, Nephio will employ EasyCLA via LFX.

LFX provides tooling to automate CLA (EasyCLA) and allows all organizations to have a CLA manager(s). The CLA manager is responsible for identifying which employees are authorized to contribute under CLA and can add/remove employees as they rotate.

Once EasyCLA is enabled, all contributors must sign a CLA before committing to the repository.

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