2025-03-27 TSC Minutes

2025-03-27 TSC Minutes




Representatives & Attendees

TSC Members


TSC Members


TSC Members may indicate their attendance by changing the cell background for their name to green.

@Sana Tariq (Chairperson)

TELUS, Canada

@Ciaran Johnston (Vice-Chairperson)


@Avinash Bhat

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd

@Timo Perala


@Sagar Arora

OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA)

@balaji varadaraju

Red Hat

@Vishal Varvate

Capgemini India

@Eric Debeau


@Bernard Tsai

Deutsche Telekom

@Kandan Kathirvel

Google Cloud

@Hunor Demeter

VMWare by Broadcom

@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti


@Phil Porras

SRI International

@Raj Panchapakesan

AccuKnox Inc

Iain Wilkinson


Community members may @ tag themselves below to show their attendance.

@Liam Fallon @Rahul

You can add action items anywhere in the minutes by typing “/action” and pressing enter

Action Items:


LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Ranny Haiby


The project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

Key Updates

  • GitHub Org repository privileges

  • Working Groups & their names

SIG Status

Network Architecture

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  • IaC security findings in triaging mode. We intend to complete it by mid of April.

  • Secrets Manager Integration work yet to start

  • Reviewed and assesed what other repos might need to be considered for security best practices.

Other Updates

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Action Items Review


GitHub permissions

  • problems arise when there is a repo with no active maintainers.

    • Normally maintainers manage the committers, and the TSC approves the maintainers

    • Maintainers should be long-standing community members

    • Where there are no active maintainers there is a need for a mechanism to add a new maintainer, which requires a TSC vote

      Nephio needs to develop a lightweight process to promote maintainers @Casey Cain will provide references here in the minutes to “best practice” examples
      Nephio needs to perform an audit of existing repos - triage whether they have maintainership or not
      Create a wiki page and circulate with @balaji varadaraju @Liam Fallon @Fiachra Corcoran
      Nephio needs to review the “Nephio Project” org owners to ensure only currently active community members are represented @balaji varadaraju @Liam Fallon @Fiachra Corcoran
https://github.com/orgs/nephio-project/people?query=role%3Aowner @Sana Tariq and @Ciaran Johnston will review and revert

Working groups and names

  • Working groups are at the top level in the wiki page now

SIG Network Architecture

Lower attendance than usual, maybe due to conferences and similar

  • there are scheduled meetings for WG5 but limited attendance, need to push for more involvement from TSC

  • WG6 and WG7 are in a similar position

    • limited traction in WG6 around the hackathon from companies with expertise in RAG

    • Need to get enough traction on the lab before we progress

  • WG7 has a valid and well-specced user story but limited traction in terms of developers

    • there is a SOW under development which needs to be finalized to get this moving

    • 30 minute call between the leads on this to close out -

      @Ciaran Johnston and @Sana Tariq to sync on a meeting time for this after KubeCon

SIG Automation

Porch updates, business as usual

Going through the list of use cases from SIG NW Arch

SIG Release

No updates

SIG Security

See agenda for updates

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