Community Attendees:
@Ciaran Johnston
@Vishwanath Jayaraman
@balaji varadaraju
@Sana Tariq
@Daniel Kostecki (Red Hat)
Community Attendees:
@Girish Kumar
@Liam Fallon
@Timo Perala
@Wim Henderickx
@Yevhen Zhukov
LF Staff:
Antitrust Policy
Action Items Review
R4 Release updates
Workgroup updates
R5 planning
R4 Release Updates
Still on track for Feb 14th release for O-RAN cluster creation story
PR pending on SIG security / workload identification story, it should be possible to merge the story in by Feb 14th
Platform updates are continuing, no updates since last Thursday / TSC meeting
Flux alternative to ConfigSync will likely be ready on time.
White paper planned to align with the R4 release: please review here:
Blog will be requested as well
Workgroup updates
Transport WG:
Good ongoing meetings with good participation
Whitepaper planned for discussion tomorrow
Ready to invite developers into meetings to engage the development process
Should bring the use cases here to SIG Net Arch to socialize with the wider community
following that, bring it to the SIG Automation to break into implementation tasks
Need to determine where and how to encourage interested developers. Need to include developers as early as possible in the story development. Possibly engage with Arpit for LFN support
Modelling WG:
User stories brought to SIG Automation for triaging and planning in R5 timeframe
Implementation of cluster creation is in progress
O-Cloud registration may be a candidate for R5, there is some pre-requisites required in order to implement this
Bare metal support may be interesting
Note for @Sana Tariq and @Ciaran Johnston - continue to socialize community needs with wider audiences to increase participation
WG5: Service Assurance:
@Eddy Fung has been reviewing the progress after reviewing previous material - he will present in a slot in the next session here
WG6: GenAI:
Sana met Kandan on the subject of a hackathon
There is an AI incubation house in CA where some AI startups brainstorm on innovative AI
Hackathon is being planned - input is required to determine what we would like to get out of it
virtual event hosted by Nephio community - sometime in March / April timeframe
This is covered in the white paper, which should be released before the hackathon
Any code which results could be contributed to Nephio / Nephio experimental depending on its usefulness
R5 planning
Themes for R5:
Platform improvements
Argocd/FluxCD support on workload clusters
Platform (Porch) improvements
Multiple git platform support (github, gitlab)
Feature improvements:
Bare metal support
Some SDK work for adding new cluster types.
Support for update of entities in Nephio
Support for deletion of entities in Nephio
Observability and SA - Make Nephio observable
State and status
O-RAN user stories
Cluster Registration (possibly)
Continue Create Cluster
Transport user stories
GenAI use cases:
Hackathon output may potentially make R5 - e.g. template generation
Modeling and API life cycle stories
Figure out what matters for Nephio deployment
Quiz the SPs and get the wish list.
HIgh level blue print of vision of the solution and implement over time
Joint SIG NetArch and SIG Auto planning session required