(November 2022) Nephio Co-hosted Event at ONE Summit

Location: ONE Summit @ Seattle [https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/]

Registration: Need main conference registration [ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/register/]

No separate registration for Nephio Co-hosted event. Make sure to bring your laptop to the Nephio co-hosted event! If you have trouble with registering, please contact Sunny Cai <scai@linuxfoundation.org>








9:00 AM PST

<LF Keynote>


11:00 AM - 11:20 AM PST

Nephio Quick Overview & Community update


Kandan Kathirvel, Google [ TSC Chair], Sana Tariq, Telus [ TSC Vice-Chair]

11:20 AM -12:40 PM PST

Demo & Workshop

Bring your own laptop

Goal: Demonstrate the Deployment of Free5GC on a multi-cloud instance

Workshop: https://github.com/nephio-project/one-summit-22-workshop#one-summit-2022-nephio-workshop



Coordinated by SIG Automation 

SIG Chair: John Belamaric, Google, Vice-chair: Tal Liron, Red Hat

12:40 - 1:30 PM PST



1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PST

Birds of a Feather sessions - Nephio Architecture Use cases

Deep discussion in to Release 1 and Beyond and Q&A

All community members can bring their use cases

Coordinated by SIG Network Architecture

SIG Chair: Sana Tariq, Vice-chairKaushik 

2:15 PM - 3:10 PM PST

Birds of a Feather sessions - Nephio Release management

Deep discussion in to Release 1 testing and certification

Coordinated by SIG Release

SIG Chair: Stephen Wong, Vice-chair: Tina Tsou

3:10 -3:30 PM PST



3:30-4:15 PM PST

Birds of a Feather sessions - TSC validation criteria of Release 1

Release 1 criteria and beyond. All TSC items.

Coordinated by TSC

Kandan Kathirvel, Google [ TSC Chair], Sana Tariq, Telus [ TSC Vice-Chair]

4:15 PM - 5:30 PM PST

TSC and SIG groups

Discuss full logistics of Release 1 & Beyond

Community members

6:15-8:00 PM PST

TBD. Community Dinner




Cloud-native automation and Nephio operator survey by Analysys Mason


If you are Telecom Operator, Please take this survey. 

Survey results will be shared via a study in combination with Analysys Mason - around MWC