Release 1 (May 2023)

The release covers the following use cases:

  • User Story 1: Deploy 5G core network functions (free5gc)

  • User Story 2: Upgrade user plane capacity

  • Upgrade the resources (vertical scaling) of an existing UPF

  • User Story 3: Upgrade control plane capacity

  • Upgrade the resources (vertical scaling) of an existing SMF

  • (Stretch) Provision all free5gc NFs 

  • (Stretch) Provision workload clusters and join them to Nephio management 

  • (Stretch) UI viewers and editors for PackageVariant(Set) resources

  • (Stretch) Make a call via UERANSIM

This functionality has been verified with a series of manual and automated end-to-end tests.

You can find the documentation, source code, and other artifacts here:

Project Board

Functional Scope - Planned

  • Sprint 1
    • Nephio Up and Running
    • User Story 1: Deploy 5G core Network Functions (NFs) with CUPS (Control user-plane separation) architecture.
  • Sprint 2
  • Sprint 3
  • Sprint 4
    • User Story 4: Upgrade to user plane that automatically implies and upgrade to control plane.
  • Sprint 5
    • Bug Fixes

Execution Plan

SprintsDurationDateSprint GoalSprint Deliverables/Outcomes
Sprint 12 weeks


Setting stage & Bootstrap
  1. Setting up build pipelines with PROW including build, test, CLA validation . Setting up owners.
  2. Clarify requirements for further execution. These are in the areas of UI, end to end test bed, ultimate goal of  R1 ( like making end to end call etc)
  3. Define and understand  the process . Github boards, workflows and PR process.
  4. Design and implement common libraries that would make rest of R1 execution faster . Some are merged (eg: KPT File) and some are in the code review cycle.
  5. Design  and implementation of common function run time. We have a few iterations on this and made progress This will again make rest of the execution a bit simpler.
  6. Create initial CRDs and packages for free5gc functions.
  7. We have multiple PRs in progress which are in the review cycle.
Sprint 22 weeks


  1. Complete the work on common libraries and other foundational work items such as function run time
  2. Have a version of free5gc controllers and operator running.
  3. Make progress in the creation of test bed for Nephio Deployment
  4. Be ready to start integration testing from  sprint 3.

Sprint 32 weeks


Sprint 42 weeks


Sprint 51 week