Meeting Notes & Task list

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • ved ratan to provide unique IaC scan findings to prioritize what we can take back to SIG-Automation.
ved ratan2024-09-24 Meeting notes
  • ved ratan to provide a IaC scan report in the next meeting
ved ratan2024-09-10 Meeting notes
  • Integration of IaC scanning engine such as checkov for scanning k8s manifests, terraform scripts, and any other infra related scripts. 1) Creating GH workflow 2) Establishing baselines 3) Helping team fix the issues Rahul 
Rahul2024-08-06 Meeting notes
  • Next week workload identity demo: automated registrations of the workloads Prashant 
Prashant2024-08-06 Meeting notes
  • Check Memory safety of Nephio (ref1, ref2
2024-07-09 Meeting notes
  • SBOM generation ... Take feedback from ONAP Seccom group (Jessica) (Seems this is already handled ref
2024-05-07 Meeting notes

 Completed tasks

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Move all docs/minutes/tasklist to Nephio wiki Rahul  
04 Dec 2023Rahul2023-12-05 Meeting notes
  • Security Policy for Nephio Rahul  
13 Dec 2023Rahul2023-12-05 Meeting notes
  • What licensed tools are available from LFN for Nephio projects? (Talk to Kenny)  
18 Dec 2023 2023-12-05 Meeting notes
  • OSSF scorecard/badge (Ved Ratan)  
19 Dec 2023 2023-12-05 Meeting notes
  • Work towards identifying WGs proposals Raj Rahul  
18 Jan 2024Raj2023-12-05 Meeting notes
  • Prashant to do live SPIRE demo (14th May 2024)
Prashant2024-05-07 Meeting notes
  • Next TSC call present the plan for R3 and POC items.
2024-03-26 Meeting notes
  • Call for a formal review from Rx scope for Identity and Access Management? Rahul 
Rahul2024-03-26 Meeting notes
  • Rahul to provide context/premise of existing SIG Security workitems in Rx scope WG.
Rahul2024-02-27 Meeting notes
  • Tom Kivlin to review the updated secrets management story
Tom Kivlin2024-02-20 Meeting notes
2024-02-13 Meeting notes
  •  Rahul to prepare the high-level Nephio specific requirements from a workload identity perspective
Rahul2024-02-06 Meeting notes
  • Secrets Management ready for re-review
2024-02-06 Meeting notes
Bryan O'Looney (Ericsson)2024-01-23 Meeting notes
  • Secrets Management user story document review (Tom Kivlin )
Tom Kivlin2024-01-23 Meeting notes
Byung-Woo Jun2024-01-23 Meeting notes
  • Call for review for the Secrets management User Story document. (All)
2024-01-16 Meeting notes
  • subhash to prepare fine grained requirements for the approval policy framework.
subhash2024-01-16 Meeting notes
  • Prashant to add the Secrets Management user story template
Prashant2024-01-16 Meeting notes
  • Secrets Mgmt flow for the identified scenarios (Anurag)
2024-01-02 Meeting notes