Welcome to the our series of tutorials for Nephio R1. This is a series of short videos, decks, blogs and user exercises to explain Nephio and the concepts underlying it, using R1. For a quick overviewdemonstration of Nephio, take a look at theĀ the Nephio R1 Demo Video. It doesn't cover the more sophisticated things we can do in Nephio, but it can give you a flavor of what Nephio does. All the videos in this series may be found in our Learning with Nephio R1 YouTube Playlist.
Each link below is to a separate episode detailing a different aspect of Nephio. The first few set the stage - but after that some videos will be optional in order to get a deeper understanding of some of the different concepts. Each episode has an article, and most also have slides and a video. You can use the comments on the Wiki to ask any questions you may have.